The first Wendre store in Tallinn was opened
Hello From Tallinn!
The first Wendre store in Tallinn was opened last week in Järve Keskus shopping centre.
The creative concept of the new Wendre store is called “𝗠𝗮𝗴𝘂𝘀𝗮 𝗨𝗻𝗲 𝗪𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗸” which means in Estonian language Wendre is a factory producing everything for good night’s sleep. The furniture and the visual elements of the store are inspired by Wendre’s factory.
In the shop you can find all the Wendre Group’s products and brands; Wendre, Familon and in near future also Pure Heaven Bedding.
Tervitused Heimtextililt 2024
Meil oli hea meel tutvustada oma uut magamistoa varustuse kollektsiooni Heimtextilis Frankfurdis.
Wendre kollektsioonis on väga vastupidav esmaklassiline magamistoa varustus, mis on toodetud Euroopas, meie endi tipptasemel tootmisruumides parima kvaliteediga, jätkusuutlikest ja sertifitseeritud materjalidest. Meie tippvalikusse kuuluvad sünteetilised tekid ja padjad, vaht- ja latekspadjad, sulgtekid ja -padjad, aga ka vedru- ja kattemadratsid ning kontinentaalvoodid. Meie Greenline’i padjad ja tekid on väga jätkusuutlikud, kuna need on valmistatud biolagunevatest materjalidest. PRO portfellis pakume laias valikus tooteid professionaalsetele ja lepingulistele sektoritele, nagu hotellid, pesumajad, tervishoiuasutused ja laevad. Lisaks tutvustasime Heimtextilis niiskust reguleerivat magamistoa varustuse kontseptsiooni, mis hõlmas luksuslikku kontinentaalvoodit, linasid, patju ja tekke, mis hoiavad ka absoluutse õhuniiskuse alla 50%, takistades bakterite teket.
Wendre jälgib zero-waste filosoofia, mis juhib meie igapäevaseid tegevusi ja meie eesmärk on muutuda 100% ringlusse võetavaks. Jätkusuutlikkus ja keskkonnasõbralikkus on osa meie brändi DNA-st ning Heimtextili messiboksi projekteerimisel ja ehitamisel võtsime seda arvesse, Wendre stend C31 hallis 11, oli süsinikuneutraalne, süsinikuheitega 0g.
Pärnu tootmisüksus töötab rohelisel jõul

Pärnu tootmisüksus töötab rohelisel jõul
Meie Pärnus asuv Lina tootmisüksuse ladu varustab end täielikult energiaga – 5940 m² suuruse päikesekatusepargi poolt toodetud 1065 MW/h katab hoidla vajadused. Energiatarve on madal tänu nüüdisaegsele hoidlale – see kasutab tellitavat valgustust ja automatiseeritud operaatoreid. Küttekaod on viidud miinimumini.
Meie eesmärk on muutuda 100% jätkusuutlikuks ja me teeme juba palju. Meie Lina üksuse ladu on suurepärane näide meie tööst rohelisema tuleviku nimel. Taaskasutame ka 93% oma tootmisjääkidest ja meie Lyocell REFIBRATM-tehnoloogia kasutab moetööstuse puuvillaseid lõiketükke, segades neid puidumassiga. Mis toodavad meie toodetele Lyocelli kiude. Samuti hoolitseme selle eest, et meie partnerid hoiaksid oma sõna jätkusuutlikkuse osas, ning hindame pidevalt ümber oma kohustusi, kuidas muutuda rohelisemaks.
Oeko-Tex 100 Certificate for Wendre’s beds and mattresses

As one of the first bed producers Wendre Group has got OEKO-TEX® Certification for beds produced at Wendre Bedding AS in Estonia. OEKO-TEX® 100 means that the article has been tested for harmful substances and that it therefore is harmless for human health. The test is conducted by independent OEKO-TEX® partner institutes on the basis of extensive OEKO-TEX® criteria catalog. Beds manufactured by Wendre are safe to use and suitable also for the sensitive sleepers.
Wendre Estonia is producing bedding products to help Estonian Ministry of foreign Affairs provide international humanitarian aid.

Wendre Estonia is producing bedding products to help Estonian Ministry of foreign Affairs provide international humanitarian aid. “The current situation affects all countries in the world and we can help by providing the necessary goods,” says Dennis Kristensen, Managing Director of Wendre AS. Read more news here.
Wendre Group has completed its acquisition of Geska Bettwarenfabrik in Germany

Wendre Group has completed its acquisition of Geska Bettwarenfabrik in Germany
Wendre Group, a Swedish Europe-leading manufacturer of bedding products, has acquired German Geska Bettwarenfabrik which is a professional textile products company more than 90 years old. With this acquisition Wendre gets a complete range and program for quilts and pillows also to the professional market such as Medical and Care. At the same time Wendre Group strengthens its foothold on the DACH market and its position as a European leader within bedding products.
The acquisition will also mean that Wendre’s current textile sales operations in the DACH region, Wendre GmbH, will join forces with the team at Geska Bettwarenfabrik and create a new united
strong team and platform for further growth within the professional market as well as for textiles and mattresses in the German speaking territory. With this new family member, we get access to more products and designs at the forefront of development. With a wider and deeper portfolio within professional sales, we can now offer new and existing customers an ever more optimal bedding program in DACH and elsewhere, says Wendre Groups CEO Pål Jönsson.
The fourth generation of Geska’s founders, current Managing Director and owner, Ms. Beate Knell, has 30 years of experience in professional sales and will gladly stay on also after the transaction and will take on a new role as Business Unit Director for all Wendre Group’s activities in the DACH region and report directly to the Wendre Groups Sales & Marketing Director Jonas Berg, continues Pål Jönsson.
I’m very happy with this transaction and that me and my family have been able to find a good strong and solid owner for Geska Bettwarenfabrik. I can’t wait to get going and now further develop the business in the years to come together with the great and innovative team at Wendre, comments Ms. Knell. We and Wendre share the same values regarding quality, environmental awareness,
trends and customer relations, which have always been important drivers for Geska Bettwarenfabrik.
The takeover has been carried out with immediate effect as per today.
About Wendre
Wendre Group is one of Europe’s largest producers of bedding products with its own manufacturing units in Estonia and Poland with a yearly production capacity of 12 million quilts & pillows and 600.000 beds & mattresses. The Wendre Group is having sales offices in Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Poland and the customers include many of the leading European retail chains in both furniture’s and home textiles. Wendre’s sales turnover amounts to M€ 120 and are having around 900 employees. The main part of their business is private labels but they are also successful with their own brands Familon and Wendre. Wendre Group is environmentally conscious and applies the latest technologies to reuse up to 95% of production leftovers.
About Geska Bettwarenfabrik
Geska Bettwarenfabrik, which started in 1921 in the Bavarian town Kulmbach, is today one of the leading distributors in the DACH market for professional quilts and pillows used within medical, care and other professional areas, but have also lately started to design and sell beds for pets. Geska Bettwarenfabrik, that cooperates with established textile manufacturers, with quality, comfort and good service as its guiding principle, has its own sales force focusing on professional sales. Geska are today having 8 employees based in Alzey, Germany.